Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Mon: SI6 stretch, clogging 9-12, SI6 tummy & butt
Tue: SI6 stretch, SI6 workout
Wed: SI6 stretch, SI6 workout, clogging 10-11:30 (switch with Thurs clogging)
Thurs:SI6 stretch, SI6 workout, SI6 tummy & butt (switch with Wed clogging)
Fri:SI6 stretch, SI6 workout, walking with girls
Sat:SI6 stretch, SI6 workout
Sun: SI6 stretch, SI6 tummy & butt (it is the day of rest)
I will put all my stats from the start date on the side board with the ticker. Wish me luck and keep me honest.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A Warm Cup of Cocoa to Dry My Tears...
I know I want to make a pillow out of some of these, maybe a footstool pillow or a rollie-pollie pillow, I could go on forever. And this one I want to turn into a 'Liverpool' tunic for spring.
So, what's so bad about all this (4) stuff at Craft Warehouse, well we don't have the money to have 'the WANTS'. I did splurge at JoAnns today when I saw that these beautiful mugs I have had my eyes on for months (really it's been about 5-6 months since I first saw them) went on clearance from $10 a mug (REALLY? what were they thinking?) to $2. There were 5 left, how perfect is that. The other thing that I think I will splurge on is this Willow Tree Remembrance journal that is now available at our Deseret Bookstore. I have been doing pretty good with my gratitude journal but it is a composition book that I said I was going to fancy up. This is what it currently looks like. I think the Remembrance journal will be how I fancy it up.
I also want to get a copy of Dieter F. Uchtdorf's new book "The Remarkable Soul of a Woman."
Maybe a certain Han Solo could fly the galaxies and return with these precious gifts in time for Mothers Day.
So now, that it took an hour to do all this, the Mariners lost in the 10th and the Blazer game is long over, I will make my third cup of Hot Cocoa in my new mug and take it up stairs to read my current novel "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
It's Nice to be Wrong.
It is along these lines that I am glad to be wrong about a beautiful lady that is quickly becoming a dear friend. At first I thought that she either was (1) perhaps snobbish but very kind and working on changing it or (2) she really did not like the person I am but felt obligated to be 'friends' because our hubbies are friends. I WAS WRONG, on both accounts. My new impression is that despite her beauty, intelligence, and abilities she is not sure how others feel about her and where her place is in our area. (Funny how deep down inside we are all the same) I also feel she is kinda high strung about certain things and that makes her nervous and she does not like to feel that way so when this happens she removes herself (and children) from the situation. She is not abruptly leaving my house because it is not clean enough or good enough for her and her family, she just knows her limits. I think also she is a mover, she never really slows down for much, to eat or clean, or just walking. I am now excited about what I can learn from her.
This is what I will be writing in my gratitude book today; I am grateful for my new friendship and to be wrong about a person who confused me. I hope I can learn from this that I am too judgmental on myself and my perception of others and how they feel about me and my family. I need to stop projecting my insecurities thought others eyes. There might just be a chance that I will make some great friends here in the next few months and then miss them when I move. That is life, friends come and go and what is so wrong that.