Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Need a little HELP...

So, I have accomplished a few things since the departure of my mother. My main focus and goals have been on the house and taxes (which is a deadline overdue). I have been using the clutter techniques from the Fly Lady and spending just a bit of time (30 minutes) on dreaded tasks before doing something I want to do. This is how yesterday went and where I am today (READ ON PLEASE, I'LL COME TO A POINT SOONER OR LATER).

9-11 clogging (notice I have cut off an hour to get more things done on Mondays!)

11-12:30 Costco (produce, lunch, & girl time)

12:30 Put baby Ewok to bed and let the other two ride bikes while I prepared the front for a power-wash bath

12:45 Set-up Power wahser

1:10 Yelled at power washer for not working, got all worked up and went over to the alley way and swept all the cigarette butts that the apartment dwellers leave on our street while they use our alley way as their own personal smoke house.

1:20 Walk back to the house to discover that my next door neighbors "For Sale" flyer's are being put in her box and she is selling for $9,500 less that we are going to post ours for at the end of the month

1:21 CRY


1:45 Started painting

6:12 Warm up left overs for Ewoks dinner, then continued to paint.

7:30 Han Solo got home so I stopped painting to say hi and tell him to warm up left overs for dinner. I grabbed a bag of chips and a coke for my dinner and heading back up stairs (made progress see) to finish more painting.

8:10 Realized that the Ewoks were still awake but had not gotten a bath, so I told Han to do it and went back to painting.

8:20 Put baby Ewok to bed and went back to painting. Cleaned it all up at 8:35.

8:40 blow dried both Ewok's hair and cuddled with them in my bed watching the Olympics for a bit.

9:20 Took first shower of the day (for those that dance with me, I know I'm gross but it just didn't happen earlier) then fell into bed.

Okay so a lot got done in reality, BUT in my head this morning as I look at my little sampling of favorite blogs that inspire me I find myself not inspired but disappointed in myself and the lack of abilities I feel I am without.

WHY, why do we, as women, do this to ourselves.

Even after writing out the things that I did do yesterday, things that needed to be done, this is where my mind is; 'My house is a mess, the sink is full of dishes but the dishwasher is empty, I have two loads of clean laundry waiting to be folded and 3 hampers full of clothes waiting to be cleaned. My advent calendar from Valentines is not done, the dress I wanted to make for the girls are not finished, which means I am not getting money for the two I want to sell, a friend is having a baby shower tonight and the bow tie and booties I want to make for her are still only in my head, I don't even have material for them, and even if I were to go and look at material I feel I have no money left to buy it or food or anything (which is a slight over-exaggeration) and that brings me to my taxes which are due, LIKE NOW! And I found out that the tags on my car are expired and now I have to go to the DEQ and the DMV today in between dance and its raining out so the park day I promised the girls yesterday when it was bright and beautiful and I, YES I, wanted to power wash the front patio so I told them we couldn't go, but the power washing never got done'.


Great way to start your day huh. Help me out a little here. I need to know what others do when they get this way (other than uppers please) and if you don't get this way, rather then handing me a knife for my gutt, just make something up that sounds good. I need some good ideas for days like these.


  1. I usually pon off my kids and cry myself to sleep. I feel better after a long nap.

    You are amazing even if you do not see it. It is so darn easy to focus on the things that we do not do (and we all have those lists).

    You look at others with all their amazing abilities to accomplish things, but I have always admired your strong will and strong work ethic. You always drop things to spend time with your friends, are an amazing mother, seamstress, scrapbook extraordinaire, great teacher, magnify your callings, manage to make some time for romance in your life, and I could keep going.

    The point isn't that you can't get everything done in one day (as no one can). The point is that your desire to be better and are reaching out for that every day.

    You inspire me.

  2. have a cup of hot chocolate and repeat to yourself......it's really ok....a dozen times or so. Take a deep breath, smile, and move on. There is always tomorrow (in theory :))

    My moto is Acknowledge it, accept it, and get over it.
