Thursday, January 21, 2010

Self Observance

So in my quest to better myself and my attitude/mood about life I have been trying to understand what gets me so down.

This past weekend Hans' grandmother passed away. This is a good thing because these last few weeks, and honestly months, have been very hard for her. Her health has been going down hill for a while. Earlier in the year she fell and broke a hip. As statistics go, she did little to improve her walking skills after the surgery and then her mood (which was already on the brink) fell into the pits. For the last year or so she has been confused on a daily bais and often cried because she was embarrassed when she would mix us up. Then two weeks ago she suffered a stroke from which she never recovered. She was conscious from time to time, but her physical condition became so bad that in the end she was surviving on Ensure that we feed to her, as you would a baby bird, with a medicine syringe. It was very hard to do, see, watch and everything else. When the call finally came (almost a week later) it was a relief that her suffering was over and that she had indeed returned to our Father in Heaven where she will be taught and glorified.

The point of all this information is that it made me sit down and really ponder about the "things" that are within my control and the "things" that are not. I started with a list of the "things" that are bogging me down. Here they are in no particular order;

(1) CLUTTER & MESS: I become overwhelmed witht the clutter and mess that is in the house everyday. I can not figure out where to start or what exactly to do.

(2) FINANCES: Money sucks! We need it, we work for it, we spend it, and really it gives us little in return. I want to be debt FREE and while I am working very hard at this goal and have been for at least 6 months now, it is still hard.

(3) GIRLS ATTITUDE: I have three beautiful little girls, all 5 and under, but they are girls. Girls can be sugar but more often they are spice and mine are paprika on steroids. My oldest is at the stage of questioning authority, particularly mine, and had learned that if she says mean things like "I don't like you anymore" the other person becomes sad. With the little ones its just monkey see monkey do.

(4) FEELINGS OF LONELINESS: This last summer was hard for me as my two best friends moved to new states. As much as you can hope and say it won't change things, the reality is, that it does. I have strengthened a few other local friendships in their absence, but it brings the tallie of Out-of-Town best friends to over 6 and that sucks.

(5) TAXES: this is a hate of the season, I HATE TAXES! I hate gathering all the info, see how much we made and wondering where it all went, paying what we owe (we have not received a refund in over 4 years now), all of it. I DON'T LIKE IT!

(6) UNFINISHED PROJECTS: I am the queen of unfinished projects. I get excited about something, start it and then something else happens and I either forget about the old excitement or feel it is not high enough on the priority list. Excuses don't matter but the projects are consuming me.

So there it is the top 6 things that are bogging me down. When I look at this list I come to the realization that almost all six of them are "things" that I have control over, not COMPLETE control, but some at least. And so for the remainder of the month my focus is going to be on this list. I am going to work positively on each of these things and see how much will change.

My first goal is to tackle UNFINISHED PROJECTS. I want them done! Share with me your list so I don't feel alone. Together we will have accountability (a great thing huh) to someone and there's nothing like the power of accountability.


  1. I have wanted to make nativity costumes for each Christmas to act of the Christmas has been on my to do list for some time.

    I am in the middle of remaking stockings, as with this being our last child I want 6 uniformed stockings...I bought the material the day after Christmas.

    I have a wellness night I am planning, a book fair I am in charge of, and just recently became the one in charge of our art and literacy nights at school and am wondering why I keep doing this to myself...

    I am sure I could keep going, but it just makes my head hurt.

  2. Im saving your list and will check in with you next month to see the finished stockings, one little step at a time BABY!

  3. So how did I survive the "young" years. Dad coming home at 8:30 am after you all had been up for a min 2 hrs "destroying" what I cleaned the night before. He wanted down time from work...yeah at kids most enrgetic up time...right. But survive I did and so will you. We even laugh (almost)when we look back.

    To the point: I assigned a room to each day. On that day I cleaned that room, vaccumed, rearranged dusted or what ever and then went on with my day. After a couple of weeks the house is caught up and I kept up this routine until you giuys were in High school! It works. You only clean for so long and everything is actually cleaned not picked up.

    Then we played a game before dad came home. Who can pick up fastest! Make a basket for toys and just throw everything in. Now is not the time to worry about where it actually goes. Its up and out of sight. Kids will gladly unpack the basket later :) As you got older you picked up your own stuff and put it away. A routine is needed. Kids need it, we need it, dads need it (though they are the first to stop) So I wrote the schedule down and posted it in my bathroom. That way i saw it everyday.

    I work best in the morning so that is how I attacked the chores. Beside kids can keep them selves busy in the morning and selfishly it left afternoon nap time open for me (to finish cleaning or plan a menu or on rare ocassion read a magazine article!)

    You really do try to do too much at once. You got it from your dad and therfore nothing really is done at any one time. Just everything in "progress". I prefer to have things done before I start the next. Its hard for creative people to stay focused but practice makes it work.

    Love mom
